Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ballheads Separate The Men, From The Boys


Have you ever wondered why the look of a magazine picture is so different from those snapshots you get with your iPod even though the quality is very good? It is because of the professional experience behind the camera and most of the time under the camera.

Let me clarify on this, one of the most determining factors involved in the quality of a picture is the motion blur caused by an uncommanded motion while the shutter flicks. This in turn creates a blur named after itself (motion blur) as a result of capturing an action too fast for the shutter speed. The final outcome is viewed as a swaying  and undefined image.

This case is the very limit of its damage as you can also have the symptoms at a lower level in which case the result will be a little fuzziness that takes away the sharpness of the image. Long story short, when the image is not perfectly supported by a supporting device such as a mono-pod or tripod, the quality of the picture is at risk.

Induro makes a professional grade ball-heads for the most demanding conditions as the materials used to assemble the balls are the finest. No effort is spared in the design and development of Induro products, perhaps a bit on advertising. You don;t get much adverts with the Induro logo, it is more of a connoisseur thing. Excellent quality excellent performance.

The Really Right Stuff ball-heads are probably known as the best of the market and that is for a reason: High Quality. However I would say that the title might be disputed with other brands since it is a very subjective issue. There is no benchmark, only a reputation built on quality and also on marketing. Some manufacturers invest a large sum on advertising and sponsorship therefore they get more recognition on the user's side and if the products are good, there you have it. Great Gear and catchy name.

You can tell a lot from the manufacturer by the way they portray their products. Here is more backup to those lines I wrote above, suggesting that marketing efforts also sum up to the public recognition balance.

A great model used with heavier cameras of larger formats, yet I feel that the best advice about choosing a head-ball is to do the homework and compare the specs. Talk to the associates at photography shops, they are usually very knowledgeable and willing to share what they know.

Add to the list an interesting competitor called Manfrotto with an overall acceptance on all product categories where they compete. We could not say that these are the finest of the finest but these are certainly a great choice for any application. I will owe the readers a report on the Giotto MH1302 which also deserves a comment.

Again, there is nothing like comparing specs and searching for advice, you will always get it and will therefore make a great selection.

Until the next issue,

Miguel Perez


